Year 3
Here you will find all of the information you require about our class and our class learning:
Our PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Our Spellings with be given out on a Monday and will be tested on a Friday.
Our weekly homework hand in day is Mondays.
Our Overview of Learning – Year 3
Autumn Term Letter 2024
Spring Term Curriculum Letter 2025
Dates for your diary
26th September- Forest School
22nd November – Year 3’s Heart of the Week Assembly
6th February- Forest School
24th February- Bikeability
Our homework is due in on Mondays and our Spelling tests are on Fridays.
Here you will find all of our spellings and home learning activities:
Our Home Learning Activities
Times Tables Practice
Children should aim to access Timetables Rockstars weekly. Children have their personal login in their reading diaries.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (
Weekly Home Learning
White Group- Advent 1 Spellings Overview
Yellow Group- Advent 1 Spellings
Blue Group- Advent 1 Spellings
White Group- Autumn Term 2 Spellings Overview
Yellow Group- Please continue with Advent 1 spellings
Blue Group- Advent 2 spellings
White Group- Lent Term 1 Spellings Overview
Yellow Group-
What tools were used for hunting?
How do digital devices help us?
Retelling the story of the Baptism of Jesus.
What bones make up a human skeleton?
National Videogame Museum
Y3 Trip National Videogame Museum Letter