Year 4

Welcome to Class 4!
Mrs Bencherif teaches on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Mr Cordes is the teacher on Tuesdays.
Mrs Owen is our Teaching Assistant
PE Days
Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Spellings will be given out on a Monday and tested on a Friday.
Times tables are so important in year 3. Please ensure that these are practised 3 times a week at home.
Important Dates
Our Mayan experience is on 19th September
Our Forest School session will be on Thursday 3rd October
Our Heart of the Week Influencer assembly is on 11th October at 2:45pm
Please find below our home learning for this term.
Year 4 Homework Advent 2024
Year 4 Homework Lent 2025
Advent 1 Spellings Year 4
Spellings Lent 1 2025
Please read with your child 3 times a week and write in their reading diaries.