Welcome to Foundation Stage 1/Nursery.

Class Teacher – Mrs Cairns

Teaching Assistants – Miss Slawson and Mrs Ghaboush


Please click on the link below to see the current Medium Term plan for this term –

F1 Lent 2

Please click on the links below to see previous terms Medium Term Planning –

F1 Lent 1

Our morning sessions run from 8:35-11:45

Our afternoon sessions run from 12:25-3:25.

Welcome Website Letter September 2024 – 25

Children start to tune into sounds in F1, the start of their journey to becoming a reader. At Sacred Heart, we use Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Foundations for Phonics. We shared our reading expertise with parents recently at our parent reading workshop to help parents know and support their child’s reading journey at Sacred Heart – SH LW Parent Powerpoint

In FS1, all learners experience a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, which is relevant to their stage of development. We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which consists of 7 areas of learning, these are: Personal, social and emotional development, Communication and language, Physical development, Literacy, Maths, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

To allow your child to have a smooth transition into FS1 here are some activities you can do together in preparation for school:

Making marks
• Make lines and circles with big movements
• Practise holding a pen or pencil and using it to make marks

Counting and numbers
• I like to sing number songs
• I can say some numbers in order
• I use counting words like ‘a lot’, ‘none’ and ‘some more’.

Showing interest in the world
• I like to explore new places
• I am interested in the world around me
• I am starting to ask questions about things I see

Speaking & Literacy
• I like to sing songs and nursery rhymes
• I can talk about myself and my feelings
• I enjoy listening to stories and looking at books

Listening & Understanding
• I can sit and listen for a short time
• I can follow simple instructions

Independence & Self care

  • I can put my own clothes and coat on
  • I can look after my toys and tidy them away
  • I can feed myself using a fork/spoon
    • I can wipe my nose
    • I can use the toilet

Sharing & turntaking
• I like to play with others
• I can share toys
• I am learning to take turns

Here are some top tips from Little Wandle and a parent power point explaining how the teaching of phonics supports your child in their reading journey. Take the time to look at the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds For Parents page, giving you top tips on how to teach the phonemes (sounds in words) correctly.