Our Catholic Life

Our Faith is at the centre of our curriculum. In everything we do we ask ourselves, ‘What would Jesus do? Do what Jesus did!’

Catholic life at Sacred Heart is an active one.

Our pupils understand and embrace our distinctive catholic identity and mission of our school.

We live out our mission and motto in everything we do, we ask ourselves ‘What would Jesus do? Do what Jesus did!’

Our catholic ethos has visible impact on our school. Our Faith is central to everything we do, the word of God and Jesus’s teaching shape out daily lives.

Sacred Heart has a very joyful giving, and understanding community, we are a welcoming place where all feel that they belong. We actively get out in the community and help those in need, we donate and visit the local and parish foodbank, we visit the local care home to play games and spend time with the residents.

Staff are committed to our catholic ethos, they are positive role models for our community. We offer extensive pastoral care through drop in sessions, ELSA sessions and well- being clubs.

Our Chaplaincy provision is developing, groups from across the school meet with our chaplain to make our school a better, friendlier more welcoming place.

We use Ten -Ten to deliver RSHE to our pupils. All staff have had CPD to deliver this effectively and fully inline with the diocesan requirements ensuring that the teaching is faithful to the church and presents a holistic vision of the human person.

As a school, we hosted a MacMillan cake sale to raise funds to help people with cancer and their families get the support they need.  We raised a total of £283.50.  Well done Sacred Heart for coming together and helping those in need.


Children visited our local Tesco store to help encourage shoppers to donate to the foodbank.  All of the food collected was donated to the HOPE foodbank in Carlton, where it will be distributed to those who need it most.

During Advent, the class have helped support Bags of Blessings and the residents of Braywood Gardens by making cards and donating prizes for the Christmas raffle.

During Lent, some of Year 5 went to help out at the local foodbank, strengthening community links and giving their time to others.